Saturday, July 5, 2008

a new goal...October 25, 2008

I will be doing Couples Triathlon next weekend....and then I will do the Austin Triathlon in September. But my A race of the Fall will be the Florida Challenge. This is the very first Half Ironman I did two years ago...and I am ready to go back and kill this course!!! It's gonna be awesome! (plus, selfishly it gives me the chance to go back to Florida for a few weeks and see some friends that I miss very very much!)

I am still laying somewhat low. I did 2 swims this past week...both around 2300 m with T3. It felt good to stretch out in the pool, but hard to get the motor running again. No running yet as my legs aren't quite ready for that. I did go on a 35 mile bike ride with Chadro yesterday. It was fun...but my legs were tired the rest of the day.

Gonna do a few small workouts this week to just gear up for Couples Spring Triathlon....will Team Magleen take first this year?


Pat said...

Hey Colleen,

I'm thinking about the 1/2 in Clermont! It may depend on if I go to San Francisco with TNT - which is the week before the 1/2. I'll let you know.

Great job with the Ironman!!!!!!

Sarah said...

Hey, random visitor here! This will be my first HIM (Florida Challenge). Congrats on Quarter Lane ;)