Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Don't try this 3 weeks later....

Miss Maggie and I met up for a 3 mile jog last Wednesday just to "stretch" out the old legs. This is the second run I had attempted since Ironman. The legs are just not bouncing back at all, everything feels heavy, I get tired pretty easily...as we got about 10 minutes in the thought of walking seemed really nice. Maggie and I joked and kept saying "no expectations" for the Couples Triathlon this past Sunday. As the day approached I wondered what it was going to feel like to do this event...Thomas at J&A said he did a Sprint right after Ironman Brazil last year and he said the IM was easier. I laughed but inside I wanted to throw up.

Maggie picked me up Sunday morning and instantly we had some fun nervous chatter joking about how I might finish...hopping, crawling across the Finish Line perhaps. My favorite was talking about our "special needs bags"....just because it felt weird to not pack anything major. Got to race site, set up transition, did the normal routine...jogged a bit with Maggie, went and swam a few minutes...and then it was go time.

Magleen was in the second wave at 8:04...thankfully, as I am NEVER that close to the start of the race.

Took off in the water and instantly my arms felt a bit heavy but I pushed through and as time passed things started to loosen up. I felt as though I was going much quicker than last year so I was sad to find out that my swim was SLOWER than last year. How is that I swim a 2:03 per 100m for an Ironman and swim a 2:41 per 100m for an 800 m swim? Can we get a check on that distance? Apparently I need to work on my sprints in swimming...looks like I have a new goal?

Off to the bike (11 miles) which took me 37 minutes...only 2 minutes slower than last year..I will take it as I hadn't been on the tri bike since IM.

Then onto the run which I thought was absolutely PAINFUL. In fact, I had a nice fall...total face plant about 1 mile into the run. Not kidding. I tripped over my own damn feet and well, grass running is not fun. I quickly got up and started running again just wanting it to be OVER. The funny thing? My run was 26:45...running 8:30 miles....a serious PR over last year.

Magleen took 4th place, losing the podium by just TWO minutes. Not bad for recent Ironman finishers...however, I don't want to do a race anytime soon. My body hurt for the rest of the day.

I leave this Thursday for RAGBRAI...
Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa

This is my first event with Team LIVESTRONG. We will be riding anywhere from 60-85 miles per day for 7 days straight. I don't know if I will be doing 7 days straight...I may be doing every other day...I am excited to go cycle in a new place though and meet the team of 180 riders we have!

I will not have access to computer of blog but will have a full report when I return. I plan on taking my running shoes so that my co-worker Kim and I can log some running miles...and sadly, I will not be able to swim during that time.

See you in a few weeks!


Stuart said...

have a great trip! i remember when lindsey went and she said it was lots of fun...but i don't think she participated like you plan on doing. :)

Anonymous said...

Well done on the tri. My first sprint tri after Ironman was my slowest time EVER, so at least you managed to get a good time out of it. Slow and long is definitely easier I reckon.

Have a great time on the cycle trip - that sounds COOL. Be safe.