Tuesday, August 19, 2008

back in the pool

Last night I went to core class and then made my way to the evening swim with T3, where I was hoping that the rain and thunder would hold off so I could finally get a good workout in the pool. Having watched SO MUCH swimming in the Olympics and seeing the underwater form of those free-stylers...I was ready!!

I jumped in, did the 200m warm-up and felt pretty good, thinking I was finally going to make it through an entire swim workout. Two weeks ago I had let Mo know that I felt as though I was in swim purgatory. I was faster than T1 folks but not quite fast enough for the T2 lanes and I was frustrated. I decided to take a few weeks off and come back when I was ready mentally.

Made it through the 3200 workout, felt good and even swam 3 back to back 100s at 1:45 pace. (even Mo was shocked!) It is no 46 second 100 but I am happy with feeling strong under 2 minutes.

I am going to try and get in a swim at the Nike Campus in Portland this Thursday....apparently this facility is AMAZING.

Monday, August 18, 2008

I might hurt the person who wrote this...

"Going for the gold
Why does U.S. Olympic swimmer
Michael Phelps need all those gold
medals? Surely, two or three would be
enough to gain him a slew of product
endorsements, thus ensuring him a
lifetime of financial security.
Is Phelps just another greedy, self-
centered American, so focused on
personal excellence that he has lost
the capacity to feel compassion for
his fellow athletes from less wealthy
countries? After all, didn't they also
train hard?

But Phelps just won't quit. He
keeps competing as hard as he can,
thus depriving others of their fair
share of medals. Where is the justice

Perhaps Congress should hold
hearings and pass a law compelling
Phelps to either stop crowding out the
competition or give up some of his
medals to less fortunate athletes,
whose sense of self-esteem surely
must be suffering in the wake of
Phelps' successes."

REALLY???? He set a goal, went after it and conquered it? What is wrong with that? That is the American dream my friend? Why would you criticize someone for being passionate about something? why? The person that wrote this needs to re-think things.

Do you get the 'picture'?

I know many of you are sick of this...especially my boyfriend Sam who is being very patient with my crush right now....but I am VERY VERY sad swimming is over. Cause I just want ONE swim lesson with Michael Phelps. Just one.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

who wouldn't want a hug from this guy....

I am sorry because I know many are feeling this way...but who doesn't want a hug from this 6 foot 7 inch wing span guy? AND....this guy LOVES what he does...man, I am going to be depressed when the Olympics are over.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Michael Phelps

It's official...if you saw him in the 100m fly....I am in love.

Monday, August 11, 2008

some miles on the bike!

Well, I was motivated to get out twice on the bike this past weekend....I put in 35 miles on Saturday (went out by myself) and then on Sunday I met my friend Clark for 55 miles of the Dam Loop. It felt good to be back on the bike, although I am not ready to start running anytime soon and well, I do have a Half Marathon in November!! it is just toooooo DAMN HOTTTTTTT!!!!

With the Olympics being on right now I am motivated to get the workouts in early so I can watch the coverage on Prime Time at night.....today I will go to Core class and tomorrow I will try to get up and swim early!

Is anyone else PLASTERED to the TV like me in regard to the Olympics? How about that swim relay last night?!?!?!?! And my favorite Pro Female Cyclist, Emma Johanssen took the silver medal in the road race.....she is super cool.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Here I AM!!!

I know, I know....it was only a 7 day bike ride I was on but it took me twice as long to recover from being away.

So, I am back....from the wonderful, welcoming state of Iowa. Man, there are some GOOD people in Iowa. I rode 6 out of the 7 days and put in about 440 miles on my road bike. I guess that is one way to get thrown back onto the bike after the good old Ironman. Team LIVESTRONG had a really good time. I highly recommend this event if you are wanting to put in some really good mileage for training, eat some amazing food and meet some really great people from all over! Here is a picture of the TEAM the night that Lance came to hang out...

I was gone for 12 days and since then.....well, I have not done much. A few swim workouts, a few small runs, I did venture to Core class....ouch....on Monday and I will go on a ride with a friend this Saturday.

I feel un-inspired to sign up for a race at this point...but know I should start looking as all that good training I put in during the spring is going to waste.

I may not have any good training updates anytime soon.....just because.