Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Kicking some serious AZ!!!!

Gotta give these girls some space in my blog... Wendy and Carrie completely DESTROYED Ironman Arizona...check this out, I just got to brag!!

Wendy C., age 46, breast cancer survivor, first Ironman and amazing spirit too! Here is what she did to the course:

Swim 1:10:47
Bike 6:09:26 (18.19 mph, yeah..BAD ASS)
Run 4:37:50
Total: 12:08:16 432 overall and 4th in her age group!!

Carrie B., age ___, super fun triathlet in Austin, first Ironman, supportive of others goals, has a great blog...Tri to Be Funny.
Here is what she did to the course:

Swim 1:20:24
Bike 6:40:24
Run 4:04:40 (9:20/ mile average...HOLY SHIT!!!)
Total: 12:16:41 471 overall and 12th in her age group (tough age group, 75 total)

YEAH, freaking ROCK STARS, so glad to know you two ladies!!!

Can't wait to see what you do to your SECOND Ironman!!! (did I just say that?)

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