Monday, April 21, 2008

Running, Radiohead & Homeslice Pizza!

"I am building a fire and everyday I train I add more just the right moment, I light the match." Mia Hamm

I love this quote. Thanks for sending it to me Beth C.!!! That is how my run felt yesterday. I knew my legs were tired from my ride on Saturday but I took off for Town Lake Trail to get in the 2.5 hours on my schedule.

The first 8 miles were slightly painful as I couldn't get into a rhythm and I was wondering if I would actually complete the 2.5 hours. It was around mile 8.5 that my body started to not feel so heavy and I picked it up.

The reason why? I changed the iPod from shuffle to just Radiohead tunes. Thom Yorke sang right to me and each step became easier! Thanks so much for joining me on my long run Thom!!!

I stopped at 2.5 hours and had completed 17 mile total averaging around 9 miles/hour. I was happy with that. I felt like once I pushed through the crazy feeling in my legs and lit the match.....WATCH OUT!!

Got home, started to ice my legs for about 10 minute and headed to Homeslice for some pizza & beer. I had good company while I was there....he makes me smile just a bit.

1 comment:


Damn--we tried to hit Homeslice around 7pm last night and it was an hour wait...didn't want to eat too late so we ended up at Mangia!