Saturday, January 19, 2008

24 degrees.

Yes, that's what the temperature was when I got up to consider a bike ride. (I do have my limits as I write this with cup of java in hand!) My mind was made up as I walked outside with Eloise for her morning bathroom journey!! I will get on my bike trainer hopefully this afternoon as I have to work at an info meeting this morning.

I had a good week and tomorrow I race a Duathlon, Frost Yer Fanny. I am really going to push myself! 5K Run/21M Bike/5K Run. I am gonna put a hurt on those 5k's as I timed myself about two weeks ago with a 5K and I was able to maintain an 8 minute mile, which is really good for me. I usually give up too early when I know I have more in me. If I am throwing up at the Finish Line, it will be a good day and a good race. (I know, I am not right and I should be committed!!)

Then Monday I have off so I was thinking I might ride the Damn Loop and test myself on 2222 again!!

Gotta see if Mags is in!!

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