Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Is it Friday yet??

Tuesday was a bit of a crazy work day for me so I just did some Core exercises, Physical Therapy to strengthen my hip flexors and had to do Information Meetings at night for work. I was super excited to get home and get to bed early for Wednesday morning run workout.

Met some people for a run at Pease Park and Rainbow Bend....same hill workout as last Wednesday but we did the loop the opposite way so that we were going up the more steep hill. Workout looked like this...

1 mile Warmup
5 loops of Rainbow Bend (by 4 & 5, my quads were en fuego)
3 times up Rainbow, backwords. (is it weird that I feel WAY stronger going up hills backwards when running? Can someone explain this to me? I am thinking I will start turning around for hills on races!!)
1 mile Cool down

Then coffee at Jo's with Shelley!! :)

Got to work and as the day went on I was glad I started my day with an intense workout. As anxiety entered my life and another late worknight, I was thankful for the 5:00 AM wake up.

Tomorrow is a Spin Class at 6 AM with my girl Maggie.

Got to work again tomorrow night and then I am into the weekend (or Friday YOGA!!!!). I don't think it could come fast enough!

I am gonna race a duathlon this weekend, Frost Yer Fanny! I know it will feel good to kick off Race season 2008!

1 comment:

Brian Kirk said...

where did the week go? i had to sleep in this morning. i was wiped & it was cold out & the thought of "derobing" in 30 degree weather to swim was too much for me to take. june will be here before you know it! you look to be rocking! good luck this weekend with FYF.