Friday, January 18, 2008


That is Swimmer in Italian. See, I am brushing up on my Italian and Spanish for my Backroads Interview and so I thought what an appropriate title!

Got up at 5 AM (which is becoming second nature to me and I kind of like it cause I enjoy being in bed by 930/10 at night) Went to the pool. Got my workout and did a total of 1875 meters. Crazy felt AWESOME! I am starting to really get a rhythm in the pool and when all the drills and details start to work together, well then I am a NUOTATORE!!! (and yes, you have to say with an Italian accent and really loud!)

What is cool about where I swam this morning is on Friday we swim at a school with a Natatorium. (ther other pools are at country clubs so you don't feel so official) It is also an indoor pool, which is nice because it was about 30 degrees this morning. There is something about the steam coming off the pool that makes you feel like you are about to kill it in the water!!

Although 1875 is far from my Ironman, I am really starting to see my fear lessen with the distance of 2.4 miles!!!

I live for the day when I will laugh at that fear....dead on!!

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