Saturday, January 12, 2008

It's A Beautiful Day...

"It's a beautiful day
Sky falls, you feel like
It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away" U2

That was the first song playing on my iPod when I took off for my 10 mile run and it couldn't have been more fitting!! 67 degrees, blue sky...perfect for an afternoon run! This is the longest run I had done since my bike crash so I was a bit nervous and was praying there would be little to no discomfort in my right hip.....and the verdict? IT FELT GREAT! I put in the miles with an unexpected partner....Eryn Wike. Let me explain, I normally would not run with the girl as she is Speedy Gonzalez (actually my nickname for her is Turbo) but she needed to get in the same mileage and said she was wanting to take it easy. (I will note that her taking it easy is a whooping on my ass normally!)

We did the 5 mile loop around Town Lake twice as I am trying to mentally prepare for two loops at CdA. Our first loop right at a 9:00 mile pace and our second loop was only 4 minutes off that! And I was breathing well and felt really relaxed!

It feels good to be back! I will continue to do the exercises to strengthen my Hip, so the injury does not return, but I am right on track for training!

another part of U2's song that made me smile:

You love this town
Even if that doesn't ring true
You've been all over
And it's been all over you

I have been in Austin, Texas for one year this past week and I am more than sure this was the right move for me. I feel more winds of change in the next year with my job, music and in personal matters but it is change I am truly looking forward to! The people of this town have embraced me and taken me into their community and I feel lucky to be a 'Texan' I am not coming back to Florida...sorry friends! But come visit one of the best cities in the USA....Austin, Texas!!

Now it's time for my Saturday afternoon nap!

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