Thursday, January 24, 2008

Yesterday & Today

Yesterday was so STINKING awesome!!! (that is how Thiele would say it!!!) The Hill Run workout was really really hard as we were at Rainbow Bend Hill one more time (we move to a different location next week, I can't WAIT!) and probably did around 6 miles total. However, it does feel quite amazing to BEGIN to conquer the hills and with each step that I pushed off the asphalt, I was happy to be up at 545 AM and be doing something good for my body!!

Went about my "fantastic" work day, and anticipated heading to Core with instructor Pat Evoe. (a pro triathlete that I learn so much from each week) It was a challenging hour, but necessary! After that, off to Swim with T3 from 715 PM- 830 PM. I got videotaped underwater to see where everything is at, I will get to view that on Monday at practice! Although it was REALLY COLD, it felt good to be in the water. There is something about the steam coming off the pool, (yes, the pool was outdoors and "heated") while doing laps and just feel slightly BAD ASS!!

Went to go see my friend Whitney after class to enjoy a healthy dinner and possibly a beer ;). When I got home, it was off to bed right away! That is also what I love about swimming, you sleep quite well after a workout!!

It is now Thursday, I am going to head to run with Chad at 1215....gonna put it about 4 miles with him. I also have a spin class tonight at 715 PM.

It's to bed early tonight for a 6AM swim session tomorrow morning! I hope to put in around 2500 meters tomorrow!

It has been an amazing week of training!

I just hope it warms up a bit so I can get on my bike....outside....this weekend!

1 comment:

Brian Kirk said...

you are going to have to share this hill run route with me please. so you swimming with T3 now or just finishing up your clinic? what's your affiliation with texas iron - i noticed you posted about a run with them some time ago.