Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Mental Monkey...DARN IT!!!

“It is our own mental attitude which makes the world what it is for us. Our thoughts make things beautiful, our thoughts make things ugly."

Let me set the stage for you folks:

This was my first Hill workout since the Austin Half.

Time: 545 AM
Place: Wilke
Workout: 1 mile warm up, drills, 8 times up Wilke, 1 mile cool down.
Colleen's Thoughts: Ugly.

I don't know what it was. Maybe it is that I have a lot of different things coming at me this week? Maybe I was just tired, cranky girl who didn't want to challenge myself this morning but I let my mental game get to me.

I felt ok during the warm up, but I just don't like this up and down in the weather. Seriously, back to 40 degrees?? I mean, I just ran in 70 degrees on Monday. I couldn't feel my hands or my toes.

Got to the hill, was told 8 repeats and given the plan for how to attack each one. Going up the first time I felt like my feet were moving through mud. So immediately, I said..."Colleen, you cannot do 8. you will do 6." WHAT????? This is not me? Who stole my confidence from me this morning? Please, give it back!!!

By the 4th repeat, I am sure the look on my face was total defeat as "attack the hill, high knees, strong recovery at top" were not a part of my mental vocabulary. It was more like, "I can't wait for coffe! What will I eat for breakfast? Why am I here?"

End result.....I did finish all 8. I am too much of a perfectionist to not complete the workout, but had I switched over my mindset and tried to enjoy it it could have turned out better for me in the end.

The mile cool down back to my car all I did was beat myself up over the bad attitude that was on display all over Wilke this morning.

I think it was Churchill that said "attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." ouch. I could have used that this morning.

Good thing is, I am back at Wilke next Wednesday, hopefully a different report will be coming your way!!!

Anyone? Core? Tonight? J&A's? 530 PM?? See you there!!

1 comment:


Might not make it to core cuz I'm stuck in a hellish HOA meeting at 5:15pm...UGH!! Campaign for me sister!!

BTW--8 Wilke Repeats is totally bad ass no matter what your attitude is like. You did it!!!