Sunday, February 10, 2008

Weekend Warrior!!!

It is Sunday afternoon and I had 2 really amazing workouts this weekend.

First- 50 mile bike ride from Progress Cafe (followed up by a delicious sandwich and a cold beer). It was nice and flat and not too challenging, just getting in the distance. I rode with the Half Iron team for TNT and it was cool to see a few of them take on the 50 miles for the first time. I ain't gonna lie, this team is strong. I focused on high cadence and really maintaining that throughout the ride. I was the sweep for this ride, so I had some time to work on this. :) It was an absolute beautiful day to ride in Austin. Weather was in the 70s by the time we finished and not cold when we started.

Second- 90 minute run today. I got up at 6:00AM and drove down to the Veloway to run 90 minutes before the Cap Tex team had a bike clinic. (I work with TNT for those that don't know, so this was the first week on bikes) I was excited to do this run on my own because I needed to clear my head and really push myself without help of friends or coach. And I succeeded in just that! I ran along the feeder on Mopac (with my headlamp OF COURSE!). The feeder is quite rolling when you are running it and my legs took a few minutes to adjust to the asphalt since I had been running on Trail for the last few weeks. But about 15 minutes in, I felt super strong and kept a consistent pace for the 90 minutes.

I am hoping the "tired" and "medical" scare was just that....a scare. I felt solid this weekend with my 2 workouts. Tomorrow I will swim, and I am excited about that!! Gonna try and go 2500 m tomorrow!

I will sit back with some salmon, asparagus and glass of wine this evening and enjoy the Grammy's!


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